Sunday, January 27, 2013

1 comment:

  1. My name is charles rash and i recorded this video of the reurrection of Jesus Christ. I serve God and am a friend of Jesus. You need this information to make sense of what went before, what happened during and after the crucifixion. God has always had human helpers and other species as well....I am Melchizedek in nature. I do what need to be done and the power to do comes to me.. I was with Jesus at the crucifixion,. i wanted to save him but he had to pay the price for the "Original Sin." He died, and he stayed dead. I hid his body where neither God nor demonj could find it. Mankind dug to the ground rock of Golgotha seeking the body of the Son of God. I was at thi point the New Testaments were put into place. Angel encounters, Prophets and everything else needed to keeo the memory of Jesus alive.
